2007-2008 Academic Year
Classes 6A/B Red
A book of poetry
Inspired by C.S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Part of the Narnia
Project hosted by IEARN
VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.iearn.org
Table of Contents
Our class biographies and photos 3
A summary of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 5
Poems inspired by the book
Couplets 7
Haikus 10
Free Verse 12
Question Poems 14
Shape Poems 16
Contributors 22
Front Cover Art by Izel Sinan Mori
Back Cover Art by Melissa Baron
Our class biographies and photos

We are the Ulus Jewish Schools 6A Red class. Our school is the only Jewish school
in Turkey. In our class there are 13 children and we are 12 years old. Our school is
little but everyone of us is Jewish.
This year we read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and we think
its a great book. We learned many lessons from this book. For example, I learned
that everyone can change their characters and become better people. We also learned that
mustnt beleive everyone and everything we heard. Finally, we learned that it means
to be brave.
Selim Cemal

We are 6B Red from the Ulus Jewish School. We are from Istanbul, Turkey. Our class is
as beautiful as our school. We are 13 people. Our school is not big but not small either.
We have very good teachers and classes. Everything is beautiful here!
Our citys population is 16 million. There are good football teams too. We like
football. There are Fenerbahce, Galatasaray, Besiktas and Beylerbeyispor from our city.
There are lots of museumsand old, beautiful places. For example there is Ayasofya Museum.
First it was a church, then it turned into a mosque and now its a museum. We also
have 2 bridges called Bogazici and Fatih Sultan Mehmet. These bridges join the European
and Asian continents. Our school is on the European side.
Koray Anjel
A summary of
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
There are two brothers (Edmund and Peter) and two sisters (Susan and Lucy). They were
sent away from London because of the air raids during World War II. They were sent to the
old professors house in the country.
One day when they were playing hide and seek the smallest child, Lucy, hid in a
wardrobe. She saw that the wardrobe was so big! She continued to walk in the wardrobe and
she saw a new place called NARNIA. In Narnia she met a faun called Mr. Tumnus. They became
good friends. Mr. Tumnus invited her to his house. They started to talk about the Witch
(the queen) of Narnia. He told her that everyone in Narnia was on the Witchs side.
When Lucy came back to the professors house she talked about Narnia to her sister
and brothers but they didnt believe her. They thought that Narnia was in Lucys
Then Edmund decided to go to Narnia one day. When he went to Narnia, he saw the Queen
and he thought that she was good. The Queen gave Turkish Delight to Edmund, thats
why Edmund liked the Queen. The next day Peter and Susan thought that they should believe
Lucy. They started to think with logic and they decided to go into the wardrobe and see
how it was in there. When they went to Narnia they were shocked! Later they went to Mr.
Tumnus house. When they got there they understood that Mr. Tumnus was taken away by
the secret police from the White Witch. Lucy was so upset.
They started to walk around Narnia. Suddenly they saw a beaver. The beaver invited them
to his house. The beavers and the four children started to talk about Aslan (who is the
real King of Narnia) and that he is near and that means the Witchs power is
weakening. Edmund heard everything about Aslan. While they were talking about Aslan,
Edmund went to the Witchs castle because the Witch said shed give him more
Turkish Delight. But instead, she was bad to him and she gave him only dry bread. After
that he learned that the Queen is really a Witch. Later the Witch learned that
the other children were in Narnia with the beavers and she started to tell the wolves that
they must destroy the beavers house. While they were hiding from the wolves they saw
Father Christmas and he gave them some presents! Then the beavers and the three children
went to see Aslan. They found Aslan. While they were talking to him Aslans creatures
went and saved Edmund from the Witch.
Later the Witch learned that Peter killed the head of her secret police and she came to
Aslans camp. The Witch said that if someone in Narnia is a traitor, he will be given
to the Witch (she was talking about Edmund). But Aslan talked with the Witch and convinced
her not to kill Edmund. He did this by agreeing to change places with the traitor. The
Witch didnt know that by doing this the Deeper Magic would save Aslans life
and all of Narnia.
After many years living in Narnia as Kings and Queens the children found the lampost
and the wardrobe again. When they went through no time had passed in the human world and
they were still children during the war. There was no way for them to get back to Narnia
Liora Albukrek
Estella Gabay
Lida Yaes
Ronit Asa
Rayka Zavaro
Poems inspired by the book

In Narnia, a new world they found
In the forest, there was nobody around
Melissa Baron
The beaver is a good man
But he doesnt make a good plan
The Wardrobe is very dark
A great dog will bark
The Witch is very bad
Everybodys going to be sad
Beni Yanar
Narnia is a magical place
Were always freezing in this strange space
Anat Avadya
When the kids get cold
They will get old
When they go in the wardrobe
There wont be no globe
Cem Beceren
Narnia is winter forever
There isnt good weather, never
Tumnus has a good character
But the witch is a hunter
The Witch has a bad personality
Its dangerous to come and see Narnia city
Sami Desabah
Aslan is the name that will never go out of fashion
He shall be a myth with his amazing action
Flowers will show under snow soone
At night there will be a big moon
Peters sword and his shield
Narnia shall be healed
With help of Aslan we shall have Christmas again
And the Witchs weakness will be our gain
Witch thinks everything is in her hand
But Aslan is the King of this magical dream-land
Spring is coming after winter
With the help of a marvellous writer
Ekin Gidon

Roar of a lion
Mysterious sensations
He is on the move
Winter to Spring
All seasons must change
The White Witchs spell must end
Hope blossoms with Spring
Land in the wardrobe
Where Tumnus plays with Beaver
Long live the true King!
Winter Turns to Spring
Winter turns to spring
White Witch lost all her power
So Narnias safe
Leon Reyna
The ice is melting
Aslan, the King, is coming
Spring came back
Leon Reyna
Winter turns to spring
Lucy sees Mr. Tumnus
Snow is gonna melt
Izzet Berker
When Aslan was there
The Queen had lost her power
Everyones happy
Cesi Halegua
He roars like a lion
He sees like an eagle too
Destroys the White Witch
Nesi Bahar & Vedat Levi
There is a White Witch
Aslan is the True King of
Magic Narnia
Vedat Levi & Nesi Bahar
Everytime says truth
She is so inquisitive
I love all the truth
Reysi Haleve
Aslan is scary
Not safe dangerous but good
A selfless king
Anat Avadya
Narnias winter
Always snowing and freezing
Everybodys ill
Anat Avadya

Free Verse
The White Witch has made Narnia cold
Mr. Tumnus was already told
Narnia is in the Wardrobe
Lucy sees that when she opens the door
When Aslan comes to Narnia, there was Summer
And never Winter
Aslan dies
But soon opens his eyes
The Witch says impossible,
You are wrong its possible!
Koray Anjel
Narnia is a place with a Witch
Who makes evey time winter
Narnia is a place with two Kings and two Queens
Narnia is a place where all the magical creatures live
Vedat Levi & Nesi Bahar
There once was Aslan, not safe
Who was very brave
Best of all Aslan was not dangerous
When the war started he was nervous
All the best Aslan was the true king!
Anat Avadya
There once was a peaceful Narnia
But then the king and the queen had a battle
So the king went away and didnt come for awhile
The queen became bad and a Witch
Cem Beceren
Narnia is a magical place
You mustnt trust the magical trees
Yoel Kohen
There was once sun in Narnia
But the Witch made a spell that would make Narnia winter
When Aslan came to Narnia
The spell was broken and the sun rose up again
Cem Beceren
Question Poems
hat happened in Mr. Tumnus house?
Why did the Witchs power pause?
What did Aslan do?
Did Edmund go in the wardrobe too?
Ronit Asa
Is the Professor old?
Is the Professor odd?
Does he love children?
What will happen?
Rayka Zavaro
Is the Witch helpful?
Will her plan be successful?
Is the Witch healthy?
What does she eat, exactly?
Selin Krespi
Is Edmund a bully?
Is Susan silly?
Will Edmund die?
Why does the Witch lie?
Izzet Berker
Is Narnia always cold?
Is the Witch very old?
Will spring come there?
Who wants to sit in the Queens chair?

Why do you live in a dam?
Do you always eat ham?
Do you live in the wood?
Why arent you in the hood?
Cem Beceren
Is the Witch bad?
Is the Queen mad?
Is Edmund a traitor?
Is Mr. Tumnus a liar?
Liora Albukrek
Does Edmund like Turkish Delight?
Is there snow in Narnia all day and night?
Does Susan blow on her horn?
Will a baby, in Narnia, be born?
Lida Yaes
Is this the lampost of the east?
Do the people speak with trees?
Is it winter or spring?
Who is Narnias king?
Koray Anjel
Shape Poems

Sami Desabah
Karen Alaluf
Cesi Halegua Heymi Yanar
Samii Palombo

Izel Sinan Mori

Karen Alaluf

Ronit Asa
Ekin Gidon

Ronit Asa

Beni Yanar Sami Desabah

Ekin Gidon
Izzet Berker
Cesi Halegua
Izel Sinay Mori
Heymi Yanar
Rayka Zavaro
Lara Liora Albukrek
Rami Mert Kandiyoti
Yuda Leon Reyna
Sami Palombo
Ronit Asa
Selim Cemal
Lida Yaes
Estella Gabay
Nesi Bahar
Selin Krespi
Melissa Baron
Karen Alaluf
Anat Avadya
Sami Desabah
Beni Yanar
Cem Beceren
Yakup Yoel Kohen
Koray Anjel
Ekin Gidon
Hayim Vedat Levi
Reysi Haleve

Ms. Pelletier

by Rami Kandiyoti