
Narnia Schools Project

The "Narnia book games "

“Chronicles of Narnia”

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BCT Terni Library

"Narnia book games "
Competition for Student about Narnia's books
by Giuseppe Fortunati

The class 2G of Middle school " Luigi Valli" from Narni are the winner of this competitions.

in Narni in Italy many students read the " Chronicles of Narnia " and there
are also a students competition about this book with more that 200 peoples
that are in competition for the " BEST NARNIAN READER" .

we started the Book Games at Terni Library, that will involve about 10
middle schools, (about 200 students and teachers) that have Chronicles of
Narnia as a reference book. The students will use this reference in a number
of competitions.

For the semi-final part are now involved this schools:

The day 20 April 2005
at 10.00 Sala Gotica (Terni Library):
Classes II G e II H School " Luigi Valli di Narni", II B School
"Benedetto Brin Terni"

The day 21Aprile 2005
seconda semifinale
at 10.00 Sala Gotica (Terni Library):
Classes II A e II B School "Acquasparta", II C School "San Gemini"

The final Event take place the 24 may hour 10,00 at Terni Library
between the schools of "Narni" and " Acquasparta".

the books in competition are :
The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Magician's Nephew

You can see also at :


we hope also that more peoples can share with us this experience that can link togheter school teachers and students all around the world.
We are waiting also for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Narnia Town is now named NARNI and is very close to Rome.




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ideazione e progettazione Giuseppe Fortunati
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