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Puzzles di Narnia


“Puzzles di  Narnia”

Scuole Partecipanti

Vediamo dove si trovano le varie scuole

Direzione Didattica I Circolo Via Saffi, 43 05035       Narni             Italy

West End School 30 Clark Ave,               Lynbrook,     NY 11563

Waverly Park Elem 320 Waverly Ave.  East Rockaway,     NY 11518  New York

Elem. 1926 Clearbrook Ln                       Anaheim,         CA 92804

Mariposa Elem. 1111 Mariposa Ave.     Brea,      CA 92821

for more informations see also the web site in US



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Walt Disney Pictures, or the C.S. Lewis Estate.
All copyrights are held by their respective owners.
The Narnia italian logo and page design are copyright © 2003-2005.