

Italian - Japan


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From    2008 we have the pleasure to work with

 Japan Art Mile
International Intercultural Mural Exchange

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In this immages , you can see the Italian Coordinator and the Japanis coordinator .

The meeting at Narni are organized for give the murales made in Italy during 2009.

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In Italy was presented at Narni some of Italian murales .

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We have also Teachers from
Kanazawa and Mukaiawagasaki.

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Mr. Kakuno with  Mariangela Fortunati (peace Ambassador)
we start the first murales in Kobe with Italian rappresentative Paolo di Antonio 
and also with Pacilli Elisa 
See also the Kobe international Meeting 

Kanaiwamachi Elementary School 1 & Narni Elementary School
Kanaiwamachi Elementary School 2 & Narni Catelchiaro Elementary School
Teacher  Laura Befani

San Vito lo Capo and Mukaiawagasaki Elementary School

teacher Stefania Lucido


 Narni Scalo Elementary School

Narni Elementary School Narnia


Padova School

Padova School

School: Liceo Scientifico “G. Galilei” Lanciano - Tamezani Shirotori-cho, Gujo-city, Gifu, Japan

see also  :

International mural Italy Japan

murales in Japan


Video murales in Italy





ideazione e progettazione Giuseppe Fortunati
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